Reading - children take home a reading for practise book and a reading for pleasure book. The reading for practise book is from The Little Wandle Reading Scheme where the books are carefully matched to the children's phonetic ability. Parents are encouraged to hear their Little Wandle books and then record in their reading diaries. The reading for pleasure book is a sharing book and should be read to/with the children to extend their vocabulary, ideas and imagination. These books are changed regularly at school.
A writing activity/letter formation practise.
Maths activity to reinforce the weekly skills and tasks.
Tapestry challenges and tasks are set according to the weekly activities.
Key Stage 1
An English Activity - reading comprehension, writing, punctuation and grammar or spellings (spelling tests weekly on a Friday)
Maths Activity - this is on MyMaths
Reading(Year 1) - children take home a reading for practise book and a reading for pleasure book. The reading for practise book is from The Little Wandle Reading Scheme where the books are carefully matched to the children's phonetic ability. Parents are encouraged to hear their Little Wandle books and then record in their reading diaries. The reading for pleasure book is a sharing book and should be read to/with the children to extend their vocabulary, ideas and imagination. These books are changed regularly at school.
All work to be presented in cursive joined handwriting in pencil
Key Stage 2
An English Activity - reading comprehension, writing, punctuation and grammar or spellings (spelling tests weekly on a Friday)
Maths Activity - this is on MyMaths
Times Table Rockstars Battle
Reading three times a week
All work to be presented in cursive joined handwriting in pen(blue or black) or pencil
The learning will be set on a Friday and returned by the following Thursday.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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